negg® gold sponsor for Romhack
10 Mar 2019
negg® gold sponsor for Romhack

Save the date! On the 28th of September, a cybersecurity convention will take place in Rome. Romhack will be hosted by the Link Campus University (Via del Casale di San Pio V, 44) and it is organised by the association Cyber Saiyan.

The major issue of the event will be attacks and defence methods.

Talks on the topic “Attack and Defence” will be selected by a call for papers that will remain open from 15th of March until 15th of June. The proposals will be evaluated by a technical committee composed by four members of the board of Cyber Saiyan association and four senior experts in the field of cybersecurity.

About the Cyber Saiyan Association

Cyber Saiyan is an association of social promotion, the aim of which is to disseminate knowledge on cybersecurity and ethical hacking through social initiatives. Cyber-attacks are increasing threats which may affect both people and companies.


Since negg® has cybersecurity in its DNA, it wants to take part and support initiatives of this kind, which aim at promoting awareness on cyber threats. Stay tuned for further news on the event and the detailed program!